Offcanvas Section

You can publish whatever you want in the Offcanvas Section. It can be any module or particle.

By default, the available module positions are offcanvas-a and offcanvas-b but you can add as many module positions as you want from the Layout Manager.

You can also add the hidden-phone module class suffix to your modules so they do not appear in the Offcanvas Section when the site is loaded on a mobile device.

Call Us Today! (724) 717-6027
1380 Rte. 286 Hwy. E., Suite 303 • Indiana, PA 15701

EastAmerican Dump Truck

East American, Inc. has a fleet of new Tri-Axle dump trucks that can supply or dispose of aggregate and asphalt, as well as other materials.

All units are equipped with a GPS tracking unit, fleet manager communication units, onboard recording video cameras, and backup cameras.

Trucks are dispatched and monitored from our 24-7 dispatch office.

Dump Truck Supervisor and Field Coordinators are available 24-7-365.

All trucks have a DEP Act 90 sticker capable of transporting any type of material into OH, PA, WV, and NY.