Offcanvas Section

You can publish whatever you want in the Offcanvas Section. It can be any module or particle.

By default, the available module positions are offcanvas-a and offcanvas-b but you can add as many module positions as you want from the Layout Manager.

You can also add the hidden-phone module class suffix to your modules so they do not appear in the Offcanvas Section when the site is loaded on a mobile device.

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1380 Rte. 286 Hwy. E., Suite 303 • Indiana, PA 15701

Dust Control Spray TruckDust from unpaved roads and surfaces is a common, dirty problem that can be both unhealthy and expensive if not properly treated.  It is present in the air, thus can cause health problems for human lungs, and can negatively impact the operation of equipment and machinery.  Small particles of both visible and non-visible soil (dust), get sent airborne by the wind or passing vehicles.  An environmentally safe and cost-effective dust control solution is needed to minimize dust and stabilize soil.